So tell me a little about your shop and what you sell...
I opened my shop about a year ago. Since then, it has evolved from just baby and toddler appliqued t-shirts to a lot more. Such as crayon rolls, custom appliqued dog t-shirts, reusable cup cozies, and wristlet key fobs. Why did you start selling on Esty?
A friend saw one of my appliqued t-shirts and thought it was so cute, she suggested that I open up shop.
Is Etsy a full-time job or is it something you dabble in?Etsy is something I dabble in. I have a full-time job as a mom to Devin, 20 months. I also work part-time as a Hair Stylist.
How do you keep yourself motivated to keep on selling even if times are slow?
I like to keep trying new things to see what customers are interested in at the time.
What medium to you use on Etsy?
I use mostly designer fabrics and felt.
What are your biggest goals for 2010?
To get the word out about my Esty shop in order to start profiting. I feel good when my shop is doing well. It's just a personal fulfillment for me.
What is your favorite item you sell in your store? Hmm. That's hard. I feel very proud of some of the t-shirts I have made, so I guess I would say appliqued t-shirts.
What is your most popular (either by most views or most sales)?Reusable cup cozies! I love making these. They are a fun way to use small pieces of pretty fabrics.
What is your favorite shop on Etsy?
I have made most of my purchases here: and I love fabric shops that sell designer and Japanese import fabric.
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-- Lauren
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