So tell me a little about your shop and what you sell...
I love to crochet and needlepoint. Right now I'm on a crochet kick. I have a milliion ideas for patterns in my head - I can't crochet fast enough!
Why did you start selling on Esty?
Craft shows, although I love to do them, are limiting. There are only so many in my area. With Etsy, I can reach more people - even when I'm out doing something else or sleeping.
Is Etsy a full-time job or is it something you dabble in?
I'm dabbling but would loooove to make this my full time job. Of course when you work for yourself it is always more than full-time. But, if it is somethin I love to do then it isn't really "Work"
How do you keep yourself motivated to keep on selling even if times are slow?
I need to put these items someplace or give them away! Ups and downs in business are normal. I don't dwell on "lack" but what fun someone will have when they receive my hand-made item.
What medium to you use on Etsy? Mostly crochet. I do have my needlepoint patterns there too - and those are just pattern charts. I'm sure I'll be adding other mediums eventually. I've got all these ideas swimming in my head.
What are your biggest goals for 2010?
The biggest is to have Etsy as a full time job. I do really like the job I have, but selling everything I make on Etsy would be a dream come true.
What advice can you give to those who sign up for Etsy today?
EXPOSURE!! You've got to socialize, network, advertise and visualize success. I realize that can be hard at times, but that is what it takes.
What is your favorite item you sell in your store? Hmm... That is a tough one. Usually it's the one I'm working on at the moment.
What is your most popular (either by most views or most sales)? My mittens with the criss-cross design. I'm offering them now in team colors. Great for college students also.
What is your favorite shop on Etsy? Wow. That changes everyday I think. There are sooo many creative artists on Etsy. Right now it's either "The Whimsical Art World of Renie Britenbucher" or "Trinity Designer Jewellery"
To see more of what Carol has to offer, here's her info!
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