For this recipe go to:
For Red Velvet Art go to:
This morning, at 5am I awoke to the blaring of my husband's phone alarm and telecast of Haiti updates. Usually, I roll over and go back to sleep with my 2 month old infant. But this morning, she woke up a bit ahead of schedule. I fed her and laid back down and to my astonishment, could not fall back asleep. After staring at the wall for another 30 minutes, I went in the kitchen to concoct some sort of quick breakfast for myself and the fam. My husband was lazily lounging on the couch cackling to Joe Dirt while my daughter hung off his arm as if she were riding a thrill ride.
For Red Velvet Art go to:
While searching the internet for a quiche recipe, I remembered Emma's recipe from her blog for Popovers and thought, "why not take a shot." And, boy did I take a shot!
According to other commenters on her blog, it's usually eaten with a roast dish of some kind. I chose to eat it with breakfast. It has a very simiplistic but complimentary flavor that I think could go with breakfast, lunch, or dinner. The recipe is really simple. Go HERE to get the recipe.
I might also include that Emma is very much so a puzzle piece of my guilty crafter pleasure, Red Velvet Art. You should check out their site here. I guess you could say I'm a crafter stalker...hehe
Got the Goods together.
which happily included some bacon! I eat meat and
I'm proud of it.
watched the popovers bake in the oven! DUDE, i wanted to open
it so bad.
cooked the eggs...
This is the final delicious product....
And the satisfied customer!! Kids are the best
critics sometimes.
xoxo betty xoxo
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